Earthquake Tables
This page contains the following tables:
Richter Scale
Tabel: Earthquake - Richter Scale
Magnitude | Movement |
1 | 0,01 mm |
2 | 0,1 mm |
3 | 1 mm |
4 | 1 cm |
5 | 10 cm |
6 | 1 m |
7 | 10 m |
8 | 100 m |
9 | 1 km |
10 | 10 km |
11 | 100 km |
12 | 1000 km |
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Got to Know: In 1935 Richter defined that a earthquake with magnitude 3 is an earthquake which on 100 km distance from the center results in a movement of the earth surface by 1 mm.
An earthquake of magnitude 7 on the Richter scale will have a movement of the surface by 10 meters at the center of the Earthquake. An earthquake of magnitude 9 or higher is expected 3 to 5 times each 100 year. An earthquake of 10 or higher on the Richter scale have never been observed.