Eurozone Tables
This page contains the following tables:
Countries with Euro as Currency
Tabel: Eurozone - Countries with Euro as Currency
Country | In Use Since |
Belgium | 2002 |
Cyprus | 2008 |
Germany | 2002 |
Finland | 2002 |
France | 2002 |
Greece | 2002 |
Ireland | 2002 |
Italy | 2002 |
Luxembourg | 2002 |
Malta | 2008 |
Netherlands | 2002 |
Austria | 2002 |
Portugal | 2002 |
Slovenia | 2007 |
Slovakia | 2009 |
Spain | 2002 |
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Got to Know: The EURO is also used in Andorra, San Marino, Kosovo, Monaco, Montenegro en Vatican City. There are several oversea kolonies of France, Portugal and Spain which use the EURO. The Netherlands did not do this since currency in their oversea countries are coupled to the American dollar. Another three countries decided not to use the Euro, being Denmark, UK and Sweden.