
Fet Percentage Tables

This page contains the following tables:

Fat Percentage for Woman

Fat Percentage for Man

Tabel: Fat Percentage for Woman

AgeToo LowNormalToo HighMuch too High
20-39< 21%21% - 33%33% - 39%> 39%
40-59< 23%23% - 34%34% - 40%> 40%
60-79< 24%24% - 36%36% - 42%> 42%

As a source reference you can include the following:

Website: (Fat Percentage for Woman)

When you like to refer directly to the presented table from your own website the following link can be used in your anchor statement for the field href:

The correct table will be presented directly. It is also possible to refer to the table from your MsWord document or from your MsExcel spreadsheet when you include the above link in the hyperlink of your document. A hyperlink can be added to almost every item in a MsWord document or to a MsExcel cel.

Tabel: Fat Percentage for Man

AgeToo LowNormalToo HighMuch too High
20-39< 8%8% - 20%20% - 25%> 25%
40-59< 11%11% - 22%22% - 28%> 28%
60-79< 13%13% - 25%25% - 30%> 30%

As a source reference you can include the following:

Website: (Fat Percentage for Man)

When you like to refer directly to the presented table from your own website the following link can be used in your anchor statement for the field href:

The correct table will be presented directly. It is also possible to refer to the table from your MsWord document or from your MsExcel spreadsheet when you include the above link in the hyperlink of your document. A hyperlink can be added to almost every item in a MsWord document or to a MsExcel cel.

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